Deciding to Stay or Leave: Making that hard decision

Jodie Lane Independent Wealth Advisor AAMS®, CDFA®, MSEM • July 22, 2024


It probably comes as no surprise that individuals who ultimately decide to divorce had their first thought about that possibility more than a year before it actually happens, and often many years before. Even with early signs, the decision to dissolve a marriage is a very tough one. Many choose to stay and only find resolution when their spouse, whom they’ve been thinking of leaving for so long, decides to leave them.


Why does this happen? Why do we wait so long and sacrifice so much? While I’m not a psychologist, I have spent a lot of time understanding the complexities of divorce. Based on what I’ve learned from various experiences, it’s clear that this decision is incredibly difficult and deeply personal.


What I’ve learned:


·      When people say “for better or worse,” they genuinely mean it and are committed to working  through anything. However, sacrificing your own well-being is not healthy.

·      Feeling bullied, controlled, ignored, or misunderstood is a sign that the relationship isn’t healthy for you.

·      Staying together just for the kids can actually harm them more than help them.

·      Children need to see a model of a healthy, loving relationship to understand how to have one themselves.

·      The right partner inspires you to become a better person because you feel grateful to be with them.


Just some thoughts to consider.

This information is not intended to be a substitute for seeking legal advice from an attorney. For legal or tax advice please seek the services of a qualified attorney and/or qualified tax professional. 

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